NHS Couch to 5K

NHS Couch to 5K

NHS Choices

Couch to 5k is a running plan designed to get complete beginners from being a couch potato to running 5k (or 30 minutes) in nine weeks.

Categorias: Saúde

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Couch to 5k is a running plan designed to get complete beginners from being a couch potato to running 5k (or 30 minutes) in nine weeks. It is: - Achievable - starting with a mix of running and walking and building up slowly - Virtually free - all you need

Episódios anteriores

  • 26 - Couch to 5K - Week 1 
    Thu, 25 Oct 2012
  • 25 - Couch to 5K - Week 2 
    Thu, 25 Oct 2012
  • 24 - Couch to 5K - Week 3 
    Thu, 25 Oct 2012
  • 23 - Couch to 5K - Week 4 
    Thu, 25 Oct 2012
  • 22 - Couch to 5K - Week 5 run 1 
    Thu, 25 Oct 2012
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